This month Tea Clipper Games turns 6 years old and it’s been a fun adventure so far, full of excellent collaborations with Lionhead, C4X Discovery and Salix Games. This coming year we’re looking forward to some more excellent collaborations with friends old and new.
First off it’s worth recapping what an exciting year 2019 was (yes, we’re doing end of year recaps in mid-Feb now)! So 2019 was the year we released our first indie game Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey, codeveloped with the wonderful Salix Games. It was a real experience for all of us to self-publish a game for the first time. Perhaps the launch window could have gone smoother but we’re so proud of what the team achieved and the game hit so many of the goals we set out for.
It’s been great to see the reaction from player’s who’ve loved being engrossed by the world we created and the bonus on being nominated for 2019 game awards. We were and particularly thrilled to find out we’d won the TIGA 2019 award for Best Audio Design.
One of the greatest joys we’ve found in the last few years has been the joy of getting old friends back together to work on new projects. In 2020 we’ll be continuing that trend with GameinaFrame, who we will be helping to bring the rhythm bullet hell of HyperCore to life.
We are also excited to be working with new friends at ustwo games to bring the delightfully charming Assemble with Care for Steam.
There’s always something going on around here, which I hope to talk about more of soon and, who knows, maybe we’ll finally get around to updating our own internal projects at some point…
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